Building Scientific Apparatus, J. Moore, C. Davis, M. Coplan, S. Greer, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009.
Ceramography: Preparation and Analysis of Ceramic Microstructures, R.E. Chinn, ASM International, 2002.
Metallographic Etching: Techniques for Metallography, Ceramography, Plastography, G. Petzow, ASM International, 1999.
Metallographic Polishing by Mechanical Methods, L.E. Samuels, ASM International, 2003.
Metallography: Principles and Practice, G. VanderVoort, ASM International, 1999.
Chemical Safety
MIT Environmental Health & Safety
Buehler (local vendor is JH Technologies)
International Metallographic Society (IMS)
Refractory Supplies
AREMCO Ceramic Coatings and Adhesives
Temperature, Pressure, and Flow Measurement